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  • 20 Billion Organisms^

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  • Bio-Active Multi-Strain Cultures

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  • Promotes Intestinal Health

  • A Natural Balance of Specially Selected Strains of Acidophilic Cultures

  • Digestive Health
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  • Dietary Supplement

  • Suitable for Vegetarians

Maintain your daily digestive health and optimal intestinal balance with liquid milk-based Probiotic Acidophilus. Acidophilus helps to stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria in the digestive and intestinal tracts, encourages proper nutrient absorption and promotes overall immune health. Acidophilus is an ideal way to naturally enhance our positive flora.

American Health liquid probiotics are formulated with a high microorganism concentration level per serving and are easy to ing髮旺旺est. Each serving delivers 20 billion hardy cultures^ of three specially selected strains of lactobacillus including L. acidophilus, L. bulgaricus (the original Metchnikoff strain) and a strain from the Pasteur Institute, in a yogurt-like base of predigested milk床的世界 solids. With liquid probiotic acidophilus, you can support your digestive health and feel good all day...every day.

^Guaranteed Per Serving. At Ti髮旺旺髮旺旺me of Manufacture

American Health, 嗜酸益生菌,無味,16液體盎司(472毫升)




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